1、ETH 苏黎世联邦理工学院
11th in THE ranking (2018/19)
7th in QS ranking (2018/19)
19th in ARWU ranking (2018/19)
ETH总体申请难度和英美一流名校相当,如果自身定位在美国前五十的都可以试试,因为ETH额外要求的资料并不多(只有课程介绍这个比较占时间),与美国申请文书要求的重叠很多,加上录取几率很大程度上取决于申请当年与你竞争的中国学生的实力。ETH没有提供过官方数据,但是每年录取的中国学生的数量大体一致,因此你的竞争对手不是全世界其他申请ETH的学生,而是和你同年申请的中国大陆学生。 这就导致ETH申请极易出现大小年,牛人自然常有,背景一般的赶上小年(比如国内名校学生这一年没有申请ETH的)也有能过来的。
2、Hasselt 哈瑟尔特大学
哈瑟尔特大学是一所具有明显国际定位的创新型大学。 该大学于1971年正式成立,但直到1973年,才真正开放并迎来了第一批学生。 该大学在U-Multirank 2018全球排名中位于最佳5%。
84th in the Times Higher Education-ranking of universities younger than 50 years。
3、Basel 巴塞尔大学
巴塞尔大学位于瑞士巴塞尔。 它成立于1460年4月4日,是瑞士最古老的大学,也是世界上现存最古老的大学之一。巴塞尔大学目前拥有来自100多个国家的约13,000名学生,其中包括2,800名博士生。 巴塞尔大学有七个学院,涵盖广泛的学科。 与此同时,该大学将自己定位于五个战略重点领域的国际竞争中:生命科学,视觉研究,纳米科学,可持续性和能源研究以及欧洲和全球研究。 在国际排名中,由于其研究成果,巴塞尔大学经常被列入世界100所顶尖大学之列
160th in QS ranking (2019)
151th in QS ranking (2020)
103rd in THE ranking (2019)
Title! PhD or Post-doc position in data science / resilience engineering
Employer! ETH Zurich
The main objective of this position is a comprehensive data analysis of available Singapore data sets (such as from transport, mobility and social media) and the evaluation of their applicability to extract knowledge in order to support actors and decision-makers in making socio-technical as well as social systems stay actionable。
The ideal candidate must have an academic degree in Data Science, Computer Science, Information Science, Engineering or related fields, as well as a strong research interest in resilience and mobility。
Ref! https!//academicpositions。com/ad/eth-zurich/2019/phd-or-post-doc-position-in-data-science-resilience-engineering/131887
Title! Ph。D。 candidate (100%) for modelling and optimising advanced magnetic devices for future railway/traction systems
Employer! ETH Zurich
A further research focus is on solid state pulse modulators for medical applications (computer tomography/cancer treatment) and accelerators (CERN)。 For a new industry related research project on advanced magnetic devices, we are recruiting a!
Ph。D。 candidate (100%) for modelling and optimising advanced magnetic devices for future railway/traction systems
The candidate must have a diploma/M。Sc。 degree in electrical engineering and/or physics with excellent grades, fundamental knowledge of power electronic converter systems, good communication skills, fluency in English and the willingness to fully commit yourself as part of an international team。
Ref! https!//academicpositions。com/ad/eth-zurich/2019/ph-d-candidate-100-for-modelling-and-optimising-advanced-magnetic-devices-for-future-railway-traction-systems/131261
Title! PhD student in meta-research in environmental science and economics
Employer! Hasselt University
This PhD project aims to assess the extent of biases in environmental research and to compare it with other disciplines。 The focus is on the application and development of methods to improve the reliability of published empirical findings to pave the way for evidence-based decision making。 Particularly, systematic replication studies and meta-analysis are of interest。 In addition, the candidate may be asked to assist in a limited teaching assignment。
Master in (applied) economics, business engineer, statistics, mathematics, master in (applied) sciences (or similar master with quantitative-empirical focus)。
Final-year students are (likewise) encouraged to apply。
Ref! https!//academicpositions。com/ad/hasselt-university/2019/phd-student-in-meta-research-in-environmental-science-and-economics/131621
Title! PhD position on Machine learning augmented clinical level imaging of cells related to pathological diseases
Employer! Empa of ETH
This interdisciplinary PhD project combines cell biology, liquid-based imaging techniques, biophysics and machine learning。 This project is supported by Empa and will be conducted in collaboration with clinicians at the St Gallen Cantonal Hospital, Switzerland。
Completed Master`s degree in molecular/structural biology or biophysics。
Ref! https!//academicpositions。com/ad/empa/2019/phd-position-on-machine-learning-augmented-clinical-level-imaging-of-cells-related-to-pathological-diseases/131616
Title! PhD Position In Statistics With A Focus On Probabilistic Graphical Models And Causal Inference
Employer! the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Basel。
The focus of the group will be on probabilistic graphical models and causal inference。 The thesis project may develop in different directions depending on the inclination of the candidate。 One option is to focus on computational methods for structure learning of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs), e。g。 in the context of mixed data, or non-linear relationships。 Another option is to focus on inferential aspects and interpretation, and tackle the problem of Bayesian estimation of putative intervention effects。
MSc in Statistics or a closely related field
Ref! https!//academicpositions。com/ad/university-of-basel/2019/phd-position-in-statistics-with-a-focus-on-probabilistic-graphical-models-and-causal-inference/131235